Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory

Power Distance (High vs. Low)

  • Power distance is used to measure the equality or inequality among people in a society. It involves the extent of a society’s tolerance for social hierarchy and power structures. 
  • A high PDI score indicates that society accepts an unequal distribution of power. 
  • In contrast, a low PDI means that power is shared and well dispersed. It also means that society members view themselves as equals.

Individualism (vs. Collectivism)

  • This is refers to the strength of the ties people have to others within the society. 
  • A high IDV score indicates a loose connection with people in the society. It also means that there is a lack of interpersonal connection and little sharing of responsibilities in the countries with high IDV score. 
  • In contrast, a society with a low IDV score would have strong group cohesion, and there would be a large amount of loyalty and respect for members of the group. The group itself is also larger and people take more responsibility for each other’s well-being.
Masculinity (vs. Feminity)

  • The masculinity dimension is used to measure the distribution of roles between genders. 
  • A high MAS score are found in countries where men are expected to be tough, to be the provider, to be assertive and to be strong. 
  • In contrast, a low MAS score indicates that the countries has little discrimination and differentiation between genders.

Uncertainty Avoidance (High vs. Low)

  • This is refers to the degree of anxiety society members feel when in uncertain or unknown situations. 
  • Members of high UAI score feel stress and anxiety when they face risks, uncertainty, or ambiguity. The high UAI score indicates that members follow organizational norms, values, and beliefs. It also means that they are governed by rules and order. 
  • In contrast, a low UAI score indicates that members is less concerned about ambiguity and uncertainty, and more tolerant of variety of opinions. Also, there are very few rules and people are encouraged to discover their own truth.

Long-Term Orientation (vs. Short-Term Orientation)

  • Long-term orientation is used to measure the extent of the time orientation of a culture. This orientation describes the balance between long-term opportunity and short-term satisfaction. 
  • A high LTO score  found in country that values long-term commitment and respects tradition. This culture supports a strong work ethic of working hard for future rewards. 
  • In contrast, a low LTO score exist in countries that do not reinforce the concept of long-term, traditional orientation and values. 

Key Differences Between Low and High Power Distance Societies

Key Differences Between Individualist and Collectivist Societies

Key Differences Between Masculine and Feminine Societies

Key Differences Between Low and High Uncertainty Avoidance Societies

Key Differences Between Short-Term and Long-Term Orientation Societies